#&$^! That Hurt

Hey Internet!

Pardon my french that was my right ankle speaking there. How did I get here you ask? It was a brisk Wednesday morning, I was walking to my ride to go school while eating oatmeal with bananas like I always do. As I went to take a bit while stepping off a crib I fell landed on the outside of my foot with my entire body weight quickly afterwards.

In my seventeen almost eighteen years on this planet I’ve fallen everywhere off of everything but I’ve never hurt muskeg until that day. This fall was different since I couldn’t stand up on my own and there was a shooting pain. I went to school and fell again running to class where I still got a late pass life sucks man. I made it through third block but once I hit the stairs I felt as though someone was stabbing my ankle out of vendetta.


Best believe I was holding onto every wall like I was on a floating door

It was time for the doctors office which is the worst place to be one week before spring break:( I went to the doctor got an X-Ray and I indeed rolled my ankle. Rolled on a scale on sprain to broken is right in the middle. The worst news I wasn’t able to walk meaning CRUTCHESSSSS!! I’ve never used crutches in my life until now my second semester of senior year perfect time SavvyC.


Me everyday except with a t-shirt and shorts

You know what’s the worst thing about Wednesday..it’s the middle of the week meaning that I had to go to school for at least four days with crutches. It was a NIGHTMARE A COMPLETE NIGHTMARE!! How? Three flights of stairs to get into my apartment home, showering required a Indiana Jones style/pull up maneuver, and walking to and fro becoming crawling. I’ve never been in so much pain before in my life!! But the highlight of being an injuried person: sleeping in, coming in late with an excused tardy, elevator keys to a very unsettling elevator ride, and most of all empathy for those healthy around you :)) Hey gotta make lemonade right??

Today in March *sigh* I’m catching up guys I promise, was the first full day without my cast 11 days after my personal titanic took place. I feel great and I’m loving Spring Break!!

With Lots of Love!

Yo Girl,


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