The Stereotype Might Be True

Hey Internet!

**Sorry that I’m SoOoOoOoOo late on posting my slightly funny inner thoughts**

I hope all is well with you guys I’ve been well and super busy with senya year. It’s currently mid-March and the last time I posted something it was mid-January and SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED IN MY LIFE, AMERICA, THE WORLD, AND ON  SCANDAL.

SportsCenter makes a list of the top 10 coolest sports moments that took place during the previous week. I will be applying that to this post, here we go:))

*The following list is in no particular order of importance rather more chronologically and a not 10*

Number One: President’s Obama final *TEARS* State of the Union Address

45 is a nice round number that accurately represents the total number of times I thought to myself wow I’m gonna miss this guy while watching America’s president rely the game plan for the upcoming year. Dating back to Good Ole’ George Washington to FDR who coined the term-the State of the Union address has been a staple of American politics. I watched the SOTU from Snapchat and YouTube where the moment Obama walked in I knew we weren’t ready.

In retrospect this should of prepare the American public

The highlights?

-Gave dap to VP Biden

-First Lady Michelle walked in like the vision and slayed the entire DMV

michelle and kerry

-Pulled out receipts with Bin Laden mention

-Made his speech short so everyone and go to Iowa and continue caucusing

-While walking out with he turned around paused and said “I want to stop and take it all in”

this close to
I’m this close to writing a letter to the White House asking Obama to use an executive order to amend the 22nd amendment that will allow him to run for a third term so I can vote for him:)) 

Number Two: Day trip to Asheville with the squad

Don’t have school on Monday and have some great friends, full tank of gas, and some money? Great go on a day trip to a new place in your home state or neighbor state that you wouldn’t have otherwise. For me I went to Asheville with my girls Lisa and Alliecat *shoutouts to them if they’re reading this, love you guys* Asheville is located and the mountains is extremely cold during prime winter months such as January but it was a fun getaway day trip filled with laughs, murals, and fish tacos. I strongly recommend getting out and doing something outside of your comfort zone because you create amazing memories.

Number Three: Phoenix Albequere SNOWSTORM

MOM WHY DID WE LEAVE ON FRIDAY NOT THURSDAY????????? After living through Virginia’s then record-breaking blizzard of 2010 snow in NC is relatively nothing and my mom and I always laugh at the reaction this state has to snow. I had a long weekend off my school and therefore it was time to travel to somewhere fun and always in the sun…Phoenix:)) Our plans were quickly shot down by the weather warning that turned out to be true. It was a great snow/mainly ice storm that cancelled school so I had more time with Whitley and Dwayne:)) Win Win either way!

snow day
Great athlete better commercial Nike Snow Day look it up fam!

Number Four: What if Kerry Washington and Ava DuVernay raised a girl name Savannah Cooper

Literature and Film is a class I have everyday fourth block for my final semester in high school and it’s by far one of the best decisions I’ve made throughout my four years. The class is suppose to challenge us into starting conservation over what the purpose of the film and if it was successful or not. If it’s not obvious I love reading and making list so here’s another list of my favorite films I’ve seen in this class along with a SavvyCmb (TM) page summary.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: Prime Jack Nicholson that now pays for his courtside Lakers tickets

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape: The start of everyone wondering when Leonardo DiCaprio will win an Oscar along with Johnny Depp reminding us of their immense talent since adolescence

Back to the Future: Marty McFly. Biff. Doc Brown. POWER OF LOVE. This movie is a classic as it gets everyone needs to watch it.

Start there and if you want more hmu!

Number Five: Real life episode of House Hunters

Our rent is upcoming soon and that means that it’s time to drive around the Lake Norman area to empty houses where our furniture might live in. At first I was super excited about moving into a home where stairs are inside rather than outside but excitement was soon eliminated once I did the math and realized that my time in our new home is limited to weeks because of COLLEGE. It’s gonna suck going from an apartment to a house to an even smaller dorm room:((( Also real estate might be the back up career plan.

Number Six: Yes I’m on the committee

Iowa, New Hampshire, and a handful of other states vote in the presidential election with a caucus rather a primary like the remaining states. Why? Tradition from the slight reserach I conducted on this subject, the rest is pure AP Gov knowledge. A caucus is the unique opportunity for eligible voters as well as others to gather in public places like school gyms to discuss the candidates and then vote for them. While a primary resembles any DMV experience of long lines to interact with a screen for ten minutes tops that gets better once you receive the coveted sticker “I Voted!”. At my school a few parents and students came up with the idea for a fake caucus for the sadly real pool of presidential candidates. In our Moccus there were committees who oversaw the productivity of the event along with three researchers for each candidate stance on important issues facing the nation. It went well and several people from the public came out and I’m glad to have been apart of the annual event.

Can you please run for president -America

Number Seven: Twitter Threads

This isn’t news-worthy but for anyone for uses Twitter with any regularity needs to acquaint themselves with this new trend. I’m a huge fan of threads and have aspirations of creating a successful one on my own. Threads, like everything on Twitter, starts off with one tweet that sets a precedent or theme for the following tweets linked to the original tweets. Some of my favorite threads are throwback Disney Channel bops, favorite musical moments in cartoon history, all time favorite vines, etc. Yay for another distraction that makes the school day go by faster:)))

Such a classic moment

With Lots of Love!

Yo Girl,


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