Just Thrivin’ And Strivin’ Baby

Hey Internet!

*Open Scene*

Camera pans around and finds a creatively deprived high school senior curled up in the fetal position on her monochromatic bed set. As viewers absorb the opening scene they quickly notice the glossy film coating her eyes with the reflection of three common app essays due in less than five hours. While finishing up the essays the senior begins to reflect on her college application process process and how this application is her very last one.

YES IT’S TRUE we have come to the end of the road and oh so how I can let it go. On the eight I submitted my very last application to the University of Chicago and I couldn’t be more relieved that I have now applied to all of my schools.


Hitting the submit button brought along the best feeling and immediate stress reliever I’ve felt in a while. With my newfound free time I’ve been able to do the following:

Binge on Netflix shows such as Different World or Making a Murder which I would yet wouldn’t recommend because it fosters a rage towards this country’s legal system that many of you (or at least me) didn’t know that I had that in me. BuzzFeed (I love them, please hire me one day) made a video about it and I couldn’t agree more. *Warning* Finish the episodes before you watch this so it makes sense. 


Started working out in the mornings and loving myself for the rest of the day


Reading books on feminism that remind me on how bada$$ women are


Started planning what my dorm will look like. YouTube fulfills each and every one of my needs:) 

Last but certainly not least make sure you study up for midterms and finals because they are coming up!!:) :((((

finals preview pic

What are you guys doing? I could use some ideas when the previous become mundane after several weeks.

With Lots of Love!

 Yo Girl,


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